Michigan has been experiencing increased rainfall as of late. Already this month, rainfall totals have exceeded 5 inches, 3 inches over the average for this point of July. Parts of Grand Rapids were met with rainfall which has resulted in rivers and roads flooding.

28th and Division especially always seem to flood under the bridge, resulting in drivers unwittingly driving head-on into a small lake, becoming stuck, and ruining the car. If your car ends up being one of those unlucky enough to take a dip, there are a few ways to potentially save your car before the damage is irreparable.


Submerged vehicle in a flood
Photo by Dibakar Roy on Unsplash

A general rule of thumb is if you see water in the road, it is better to avoid it than to try driving through it.  You can learn about general flooding information provided by the NOAA.

Turn Around, Don't Drown


Freshwater Floods

If a flood is going to happen anywhere, Michigan is one of the best places for it to happen. Saltwater flooding will immediately wreck your car, but a car stuck in freshwater gives you a chance to save your car before it needs to be junked.

If your car has been submerged:

  • Attempt to pull up the carpet to air out the essential electricals located underneath.
  • Open the windows and doors.
  • Vacuum out the excess water.


POGO Method

If you find yourself in a submerged vehicle and need to get out of your car, experts say it is best to use the POGO Method.

Pop seatbelt

Open the window



This will get you safely out of your vehicle and can lead to minimizing how much water is inside the vehicle. If your window is unable to open, you can use the car seat headrest to break the window open. There are also tools you can buy.

High Water Sign in Flooded Neighborhood
Constance Knox


A flooded vehicle does not mean a wrecked vehicle. If you follow these steps quickly enough, there's a chance you can safely recover.

Dead Stream Flooding: The Longest Swamp in Michigan

These Are The Best Ways To Keep Stink Bugs OUT

Stink bugs love to take refuge in your house during the winter months and then come out during the spring. If you want to keep them out of your home, try these tricks provided by HGTV and Rose Pest Solutions.

Gallery Credit: Tommy McNeill

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