What would happen if Friday the 13th and Apollo 13 were combined into the same movie?  Well, Apollo the 13th would probably feature Tom Hanks being ripped apart by, my favorite horror villain, Jason!  Just a heads up, some of today's submissions are NSFW and can be offensive (WGRD.com in no way supports the views of Somethingawful.com).


Each week Somethingawful.com posts a photo and then asks it’s users to Photoshop the hell out of it then re-post it.  They have been doing this for over 10 years, so their have been some freakin hilarious threads.  I am going to give you the best of the best, every day! Well, unless you go tell me to F myself…

You can check out the entire thread of Movie Mashups by clicking the image above or by clicking here.

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