Drunk Woman Steals SouthWest MI Police Cruiser
Police near Three Rivers, Michigan had quite an exciting morning, Monday.
WOODTV says that just after 3 a.m., St. Joseph County Deputies were called to a single-vehicle accident just outside of Three Rivers in Lockport Township. A 25-year-old Sturgis woman was arrested for operating her vehicle while intoxicated. So police put her in cuffs and put her in the back of a St. Joseph County Sheriff Office vehicle where she then proceeded to slip out of her cuffs, crawl through the partition of the police vehicle from the backseat to the front, and she then stole the police cruiser.
She didn't get very far before she ended up hitting a utility pole and some trees and then tried to run away from the scene. Police were close behind, and WOODTV says they caught up to her on foot and arrested her again. This time making sure she couldn't get away, again.
WOODTV reports that the driver was taken to jail and charged with quite a few charges including,
"...operating while intoxicated, driving while license suspended, operating without insurance, motor vehicle theft, fleeing and eluding, resisting and obstructing, false identification to police and leaving the scene of a property damage accident."
Note to self: no matter how movies make it look, it's not worth trying to run away. If she'd have stayed, yes she was facing three big charges, but WAY less than what it turned out being. I'm sure now sober (and hungover, I'm sure) she agrees.
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