The odd little droid that shuttles rotisserie chicken between the Alpine Street Meijer and the Bridge Street market is looking for a name. Is "Robot Chicken" too obvious?

The happy Chicken Robot that traverses the West Side is now looking for a name, and let's stop right now and eliminate anyone who's thinking of "Chicken McChickenface" because you're an idiot.

The workhorse little droid that keeps your chicken hot and tender is searching for an official name and the Bridge Street Market is holding a contest, so you can submit your idea and get "bragging rights and recognition" if they select your name.

Really? That's all? No cash? C'mon, Meijer, pony up!

The details are up on the Bridge Street Market web page.

It’s true – we have a new mascot, and it’s a zero emissions delivery robot! Since we opened in 2018, meeting the needs of our community has been our number one priority. So, when shoppers started asking for rotisserie chickens, we had to deliver. Our friends up at the Meijer on Alpine have worked with us to produce chickens for our shoppers and with a variety of delivery partners, we’ve had them delivered fresh and hot every day since. But now...

Thanks to our new friends at Tortoise, we now have our fresh, hot rotisserie chickens delivered every day with the help of an electric, zero-emissions robot. And here’s where you come in – our robot needs a name!

From now until December 31, 2021, at 11:59 p.m., our virtual name suggestion box is open!

SUBMISSION PERIOD: Now through December 31

PUBLIC VOTE: January 4-9


Even though the unofficial West Side Chicken Robot Instagram page has already named him Tortoise, I still have some ideas you can steal:

Robot Chicken (after the Adult Swim animated TV sketch comedy series)

Slow Jam Jimmy

Chick'n Magnet

Rotisserie Rhonda

Slow Roasting Sammi

The Little Engine That Could

Yo Mama (just because it looks like your mom)

Roller Derby Queen (because it fits the description "she's built like a refrigerator with a head" from this Jim Croce song)

R2D2's Special Friend

That's all I got for now. Good luck.

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