Business Offering Assistance to Westsiders Without Power
They often say “The West side is the Best side” and one business on Leonard St. is proving that once again today during the extreme wind conditions.
As winds gust over 50 m.p.h. in the Grand Rapids area, lawn furniture and trash cans are blowing all around and power outages are happening everywhere. Even though Consumers has let us know they have crews out working on all the outages, that’s not always helpful if you can’t charge your phone, or even worse, you need power to survive.
That’s where Chris “Captain” Boden, of The Geek Group National Science Institute, comes into the story. He and his team at the Geek Group realized the wind damage and potential for more damage was getting more severe when their sign blew off its pole and landed in front of the building. So he’s offering help to anyone in need of some power or warmth
As his post to the “We Are Westsiders” Facebook group says:
The Geek Group is opening our doors to anyone who needs anything from a place to charge their phone, to a place to spent the night out of the cold. If you have a life&death need and can’t come to us, we may even be able to loan you a generator.
We are located at 902 Leonard NW and will be staffing the facility 24hrs to provide aid and support to any locals who need it.
This isn’t the first time The Geek Group has given back to the community, last Halloween, they gave away free computers to around 200 kids who were trick or treating on the west side.
It’s nice to know we have Chris and his team at the Geek Group National Science Institute in our community. Stay safe.
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