Big Rapids Podiatrist Opens Tattoo Removal Shop ‘No Regerts’
If you've got a tattoo on your foot you'd like removed, you've come to the right place.
A new laser tattoo removal clinic has opened in Big Rapids inside of Dr. Jeff Mossel's podiatry practice, Big Rapids Foot & Ankle, at 115 Linden St. in Big Rapids.
The tattoo removal shop, No Regerts, uses an Astanza Trinity laser. The laser can be used for multicolored tattoos on all skin types. There's all kinds of fancy ways to describe how it works:
- Utilizes three wavelengths of light energy.
- High pulse energy in ultra-quick pulses.
- Ink shattering.
- Fast fading.
In other words, expensive laser makes tattoos go bye-bye.
There's a tattoo shop nearby in case you regert your removal decision. There's also a coney restaurant and a movie theater nearby in case you want to make it a high-end tattoo removal date night.
We can finally add another duo to the list of all-time greats which includes the likes of Batman & Robin, peanut butter & jelly, Beavis and Butthead and more. It's time to add a duo we never knew we needed, podiatry & tattoo removal.
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