Avatar Returns to Grand Rapids on September 13 at The Intersection [Video]
Avatar comes back to Grand Rapids on September 13th, with Gemini Syndrome, and First Decree, to rock the Intersection. Last year, I saw Avatar for the first time, at Rock on the Range. And yes, every time I'd heard the band name before seeing their videos, I always pictured them as super tall blue people playing guitars. (I'm easily influenced by the media.)
They were really good last year at Rock on the Range, and there were no blue people at all! Haha
The music is heavy, but not super extreme, and there are some good choruses in there to sing along with. Really good band, a lot of energy, especially from the singer, Johannes Michael Gustaf Eckerström...who doesn't want four names?
Unfortunately, Huntress had to drop off the tour, or they'd be here for the show, too! Ned is disappointed, because he wanted to play video games with them...I'm disappointed because Jill Janus is hot. (So, I'm shallow. Sue me.)
Keep listening for your chance to win tickets to see Avatar on the 13th, as they come hit the Intersection! It'll be a really good show!
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