Avatar, Gemini Syndrome, and Huntress Bring the Metal to The Intersection!
We need a good metal show soon! I feel like it has been awhile, then this one popped up on the Intersection website.
I proceeded to get pretty excited, cause all of these bands are kick ass!
Check out this sweet show making it's way back to the Intersection!
Avatar, Gemini Syndome, and Huntress are heading out on tour together and making a pretty big stop here in Grand Rapids at the Intersection!
Tickets are already on sale for the show, and if you love metal, this a show you gotta check out!
Last time Avatar was here, it was with Mushroomhead...sadly I missed that show. (I was at Rock on the Range, so I'll take that). From what I heard, everyone loved them! I also saw Avatar at Rock on the Range in 2014. So you are bound of a good show!
Tickets start at only $15 in Advance, which is SUPER CHEAP for this show. Buy them at sectionlive.com or the Intersection box office.
Can't wait to see it!
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