Air Guitarists Get an Awesome New Upgrade to Actually Make Music with Airiax from Line 6 [Video]
Air guitarists unite! For years you've been able to impress your friends with your amazing air guitar skills, maybe even amaze them with a cardboard cutout guitar at parties. Heck, maybe you've even competed in the Air Guitar World Championships. Yes, that's a real thing. But NOW, you can actually make music with your air guitar skills!
Check out the newest, most innovative product from Line 6, the people who make the POD, Variax guitars, and Helix guitar effects processors. It's called Airiax. This is awesome guitar modeling for the competitive air guitarist!
These are obviously the prototypes, as all the wiring and electronics are exposed, and the final version will be sleek and comfortable. But just think, you can plug these gloves into your favorite amp, and then wail and make music just like all your favorite real guitarists!
You don't need any special training aside from your air guitar skills, and you don't have to waste any time learning scales, modes, chords, or theory!
Now, everyone who can slip their hands into gloves can be Steve Vai, Joe Satriani, Slash, Yngwie Malmsteen...the sky is the limit!
Check out the video of the new Airiax in action above, and get ready to plunk down some money for the best invention this year! It's compatible with all other Line 6 products, and is available immediately for only $599! $699 if you're a lefty.
Welcome to April. APRIL FOOLS!
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