Yesterday on the show, we talked about a guy who is in need of a kidney donation, so while at Disney World, he wore a shirt advertising his blood type giving his contact information. After we talked about that story, listener Tim in Maine sent us the following email:

From: Tim <c*****>
Date: September 6, 2017 at 1:00:42 PM EDT
To: <>
Subject: Kidney donor story

Hi guys!
I've been a fan of the show since 2009!

I saw your story today about the man who advertised his need of a kidney donor through his T-shirt, and I HAD to share another story with you in hopes you can help me out.

My good friend Rick Stilphen has been looking for a kidney donor for several years.  I never realized how hard it is to find a match until I saw his struggle.  He does regular dialysis several times a week, and never loses faith that he will find a donor someday.

Rick advertises on his car.  See the attached photo.  He has been doing this for several years, and his story was even picked up by a local Portland news station.

It would be awesome if you guys could maybe mention this on your show and maybe put this photo on your website and/or Facebook page as well.  You guys reach a massive audience, and the more people that know this story, the better his chances are of finding a match.

Thank you so much, I really appreciate you reading this!
Alfred, Maine

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