2022 Michigan Turkey Hunting Season Is Coming Up And Here’s Your Checklist
Turkey season is coming up for Michigan hunters and there are a few things you need to get ready to get out and bag that big ol' Tom.

2022 Michigan Turkey Season
Depending on what part of Michigan you are turkey hunting and what season you applied for, the 2022 season is April 23 through June 7.
From January 1 to February 1 is when hunters can apply for a specific spring turkey hunt. The application is $5 but this can really help a hunter get an advantage of getting out early. If the weather warms too fast it can really slow down the turkey hunting season. If you didn't apply you can always buy one of the leftover licenses that will be sold to meet the state's quota for the region you are looking to hunt. You can begin getting those licenses on March 21 at 10 a.m.
A Good Location to Turkey Hunt
You need a good spot to turkey hunt. It helps to know where they roost. If you can find an area where the birds roost, you can set up at least 150 to 300 yards away from the roost and make sure the birds can't see you from the trees when you are walking in.
This is key so when the birds come off the roost you can use calls and decoys to lure them to where you are.
Decoys for Turkey Hunting
Using a smaller tom works best and especially if you can get one near a hen who is sitting in a submissive position. This is a setup that works like gangbusters. Tom's don't like a fair fight so having a smaller top or jake type decoy works well. Plus using decoy's has the birds looking at the decoy instead of you and that can help you get a good shot off.
Turkey Calls
To me, the most fun part of turkey hunting is communicating with the birds. Most guys use hen calls and they work but I prefer using a Tom call. Turkeys are very territorial and don't like when another Tom is in their area. Sometimes when I use my Tom call, birds will literally come running into my decoys. I still use a box hen call for variety but the Tom call can really get the boys gobbling in the morning. I love when I hit that gobble call and the woods just erupt with gobbles.
Use a Turkey Blind
I have hunted turkeys leaning against trees and inside of the turkey tents. Hands down I prefer the turkey tent. You have so much freedom to move around and have your calls set up. Plus the birds can't see your hand movement when working calls. It makes it easier to video your hunt and turkeys don't care about the blinds as deer do sometimes. You are less mobile in a blind but it's so much easier to get off a shot it is so worth it.
Use a Choke Tube on Your Shotgun
You don't just buy any shell for turkey hunting make sure you invest in a good choke tube. Buy turkey loads for your gun. Then get a good turkey choke tube. You don't want to shoot the breast full of beads so a turkey choke tube keeps the bb's tight and makes for great headshots to keep the meat clean and get a clean kill.
Make sure you know all the rules for turkey season for the area you are hunting.
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