Having the right tools available when dealing with a house fire is important. A man from the Upper Peninsula found that a snow blower works best for him.

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How To Put Out a Fire Without a Fire Extinguisher


It is always a good idea to have a fire extinguisher around the house in case a small fire breaks out. It could save your family, your home, and your belongings. If you don't have an extinguisher yet, here are some ways to tackle a small fire.


If you have a small fire in a cooker on a stove, try putting a lid on it to smother the fire.


Don't try and swat the flames if your couch is on fire, you will just add oxygen to the fire and you might burn your hand. Cover the fire with a fire blanket or a large piece of fire-resistant material like fiberglass.


Is your countertop on fire? If so, pour a little salt or baking soda over the flame it will put it right out. Make sure when you reach for the baking soda you don't grab the flour because flour burns and it could explode.

But what if the outside of your house is on fire and you live in the middle of nowhere and it's winter time, how would you put out the fire?

How a Yooper Put Out a Fire With a Snow Blower

wgaltv YouTube Channel/canva.com
wgaltv YouTube Channel/canva.com

First things first, we do not suggest you try to put out a house fire with a snowblower, call the fire department and let the professionals handle the job.

Sepia Times/Universal Images Gro/Getty Images
Sepia Times/Universal Images Gro/Getty Images

When you live in some of the remote areas of Michigan's Upper Peninsula, sometimes you have to get creative when you put out a fire and that is exactly what a Yooper did.

wgaltv YouTube Channel
wgaltv YouTube Channel

This Yooper's name is Steve Liubakka from Diorite, Michigan. His neighbor's house was on fire and he tried using a fire extinguisher but it didn't cut it for this blaze. Being a quick-thinking Yooper, Liubakka grabbed his trusty snow blower and proceeded to pelt the house with snow and it worked. To hear Liubakka tell the story in his own words, check out the video below:

Fire Rips Through Historic Downtown Holly

Historic Holly is picking up the pieces after a blazing fire ripped through the downtown area. Multiple businesses were on fire including the Holly Hotel.

Abandoned Flint Fire Station, 2014-2017

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