Forgot how great this song is.  The intro sets it all up and by the time the energy and pulse take over the  song  is racing along at a memorable clip.  Lyrically it rocks too - although I still don't know what a "Starseed" is.

I've heard it's a sail on a ship but who knows - somehow singing "sailseed.....sailseed" doesn't have quite the catchy hook to it I thought it would have.  I've also heard it's meaning relates to  the seeding or cloning of aliens.

Guess I''ll just ask the band when they get to town to play Wingstock 2012. Tickets go on sale for Wingstock 2012 Friday @ 10am but don't forget GRD Freeloaders get $5 bucks off GA Field tickets and can buy their tickets before anybody on Thursday.



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