What The Hell Is Sinterklass?
Have you heard of Sinterklass? I have not, so let's learn about its origins and how it relates to one West Michigan community.
Is Sinterklass Another Name for Santa Claus?
I stumbled across the word "Sinterklass" and wondered what or who it was. My first thought it was Santa Claus.
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I looked up the various names for Santa Claus and below is what I found:
- Aghios Vassilis - Santa in Greece
- Babbo Natale - Italian Santa Claus
- Befana - or La Befana was the Italian Santa before Babbo Natale
- Christkindl - Santa is Chirsitan worshiping Europe and Latin America
- Ded Moroz - Russian Santa
- Der Weihnachtsmann - Santa in parts of Germany
- Dun Che Lao Ren - Santa in China
- Father Christmas - British Santa
- Hoteiosho - Santa in Japan
- Joulupukki - Santa in Finland
- Julenisse - Santa in Norway
- Kanakaloka - Santa in Hawaii
- Kriss Kringle - Santa in parts of Germany
- Mikulas - Santa in Hungary
- Noel Baba - Santa in Turkey
- Old Man Christmas - is associated with Catholicism in the UK
- Papai Noel - Santa in Brazil
- Pere Noel - Santa in France
- Santa, Santa Claus, Saint Nick - American versions of Santa Claus
- Saint Nicholas - Santa in the Mediterranean
But what about Sinterklaas?
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Who is Sinterklaas?
I was right about Sinterklass being a version of Santa Claus. Sinterklaas is the Dutch version of Santa Claus. The Netherlands is the country of origin for Sinterklaas
According to Wikipedia, Sinterklaas wears a long red cape, and red hat similar to those of a Catholic bishop, with a ruby ring, carries a shepherd's staff, and rides a white horse. In the picture above a white horse wasn't available so they wrapped this one in a white robe.
In the photo above you see what Sinterklaas was portrayed by the Dutch in the 1600s.

According to FOX 17, Sinterklaas will visit Holland, Michigan, on Friday, December 6 from 5-7:50 p.m. and Saturday, December 7 from 10-1 p.m. Kids will enjoy a whole Sinterklaas celebration with the admission of $5 per person. Get all your Sinterklaas details here.
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Gallery Credit: George McIntyre
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