What Are the “Twelve Days of Christmas”?
We hear the song several times every year, but do you know what the twelve days of Christmas actually are?
I got all excited on Sunday, December 13th, because I thought it was the "First Day of Christmas". But, I was wrong. The "First Day of Christmas" is actually on Christmas Day, December 25th and then the following 11 days make up the "Twelve Days of Christmas", running through January 6th.
So what exactly do the "Twelve Days of Christmas" represent?
The 12 days of Christmas is the period in Christian theology that marks the time between the birth of Christ and the coming of the Magi, the three wise men. It begins on December 25 (Christmas) and runs through January 6, the Epiphany -- sometimes also called Three Kings’ Day. (The four weeks preceding Christmas are known as Advent, which begins four Sundays before Christmas and ends on December 24.)
How much would it cost to buy all those gifts in the "Twelve Days of Christmas" song?
How Much Would the Twelve Days of Christmas Gifts Cost in 2020?
I did see on social media that someone came up with a 2020 version of the "Twelve Days of Christmas". Their gift list included (and sing along as you read the list)...
- 12 Cancelled Plans
- 11 Face Masks
- 10 Sanitizers
- 9 Murder Hornets
- 8 Zoom Calls
- 7 Mental Breakdowns
- 6 Feet Apart
- 5 Curbside Pick-ups
- 4 Quarantines
- 3 Travel Restrictions
- 2 Karens Complaining
- and a Massive Shortage of TP!
And don't forget some of our favorite versions of the song...
Merry Christmas!
CHECK THEM OUT: 100 years of Christmas toys, gifts and fads
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