There’s An Unemployment Extension If Yours Runs Out
Those who have been receiving unemployment will have some hope at the end of their 26 weeks due to a new extension.
Times are very tough for many who have either lost their job completely or were laid off from their job due to the pandemic.
Many who have been on unemployment for a long period have been getting concerned about what is going to happen at the end of the normal 26 week allotment of unemployment benefits.
Well according to WOOD, in addition to the 26 weeks of unemployment benefits that is available for those who lose their jobs, an additional 13 weeks was added due to the COVID-19 outbreak giving unemployed Michiganders a total of 39 weeks of benefits. Now an additional 20 weeks will be available for those out of work in Michigan.
I have only been on unemployment one time and it was way back when I was much younger and worked in a plastic factory in Lapeer, Michigan. At the time I was barely surviving and had an apartment but thank goodness for the unemployment benefits because if it wasn't for those, I would have been on the street.
What has led to the increase in benefits for the state of Michigan is, the Federal Government recognized the state has had an unemployment rate of 8% or higher for 3 months in a row. Which means not only a lot of people are out of work, but there are not enough jobs available to get people back to work with this rate of unemployment.
If you have to go past the 39 weeks of unemployment that you have already qualified for, if you need to get the additional 20 weeks, you will get the same amount you have been receiving since the expired supplemental federal benefit.
Hopefully companies who had to make cuts can soon get back to bringing Michiganders who are out of work, back to work.