Nothing like learning about a new award winning video game that was created right here in Michigan.

It's always great to learn of a new video game that is fun and easy to play especially when you are not a hard core gamer, but someone just looking for a little fun while waiting for your dinner to finish cooking or however you are killing time.

Michigan State University has a gaming department called Games for Entertainment and Learning Lab. They have been working on this game since before 2017.

According to FOX 47, a professor and Director of the Games for Entertainment and Learning Lab Brian Winn said about the game Plunder Panic, "it's an understandable game where somebody who's not what we call a core gamer, or what we call a hardcore gamer can sit down and pick it up and play with it."

If you are wondering, what the heck kind of video game is Plunder Panic? It's a retro aesthetic pirate game that has only one defeat the rival crew and take over the sea. It helps to talk like a pirate when you read that last line. Arrrgh.

So after the game was featured at the Traverse City Film Festival, the trick was, how does the Games for Entertainment and Learning Lab put the game out so users can actually play the game?

Brian Winn and Will Jeffery who created the game did a partnership with the MUS Foundation and formed what is now known as Will Winn Games Inc. This will be the company who will release Plunder Panic.

This is really cool that the MSU allowed the partnership to occur really giving more life to the Games for Entertainment and Learning Lab. This partnership will allow the class to grow which could lead to the release of more games, and attract more students to MSU.

My son is only 8 but every time I ask him, 'what would you like to do when you grow up?' He has a little list that often changes but the one thing that remains constant is his desire to create his own game. He actually has an idea already for his first game but I swore I wouldn't mention the name or concept. I hope to get him on a pathway to learning more about creating video games so maybe some day he will attend MSU for their Games For Entertainment and Learning Lab.

Now getting down to the nitty gritty of the Plunder Panic itself, the game is multi player so must be played while online and takes 12 players. Which is great because you can play with your friends and family as well as others around the world.

So shine up your wooden leg, sharpen your hook hand and get your pirate accent ready, because as of September 17 Plunder Panic will be available for your P.C. Soon the game will also be available for your PlayStation 5 and XBOX in the beginning of 2022.

Below is a more in depth look at the game creator as well as the game itself.

As you can see, there is already some merch available for the Plunder Panic so get ready to game on matey.

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