The Mansons are Registered at Bed Bath & Beyond
By now you've probably heard the joyful news! Charles Manson is getting married! Oh happy day!
Yeah. So. Somehow Manson obtained a marriage license to tie the knot with one Ms. Afton Elaine Burton, a 26-year-old who, for the past 9 years has been advocating for his freedom.
And anyway, if you'd like to send the happy couple a wedding present, you can. Because they are registered at Bed Bath & Beyond.
No joke.
Here is the registry on Bed Bath & Beyond's website.
Now, I know it says, "Star and Charles Manson", but according the Associated Press, the bride- to-be goes by the name "Star"...
Sure, someone could have made a fake registry. (But that is a lot of work to go through for a gag. If you've ever registered for a wedding, you know what a pain in the ass it is. If it is fake-- Way to go the extra mile, pranksters!)
I, for one, choose believe that it was the real Mr. and future Mrs. Manson who lovingly picked out these items together.
What mass murderer and his obviously delusional future wife don't need a Sterling Silver Cowboy Hat Chip & Dip Server, a Butterfly Sandwich Tray, and Grapefruit Spoons??
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