The Holiday Breaks-Ins Are Set for 2016 – FBHW Segment 16
Today on Segment 16, the guys are really excited about the holiday break-ins happening tomorrow! Everything is ready, is should run smoothly, and all will be well. This doesn't stop them from recounting some past mishaps, though...
There have been years where the weather has moved in and made things almost impossible to get done, since sometimes the deliveries get stuck, and it's tough to get to the homes.
Tomorrow's holiday schedule for the break-ins is going to be emotional, since there are eight break-ins happening tomorrow, so there's not going to be much break from the crying. It's going to be a really great day, and hopefully we will make some people super happy for the holidays!
Make sure to tune in tomorrow for the break-ins, and thanks to Meijer and Talsma for all their help with the break-ins every year! These people are really great for helping us with these every single year.