Taxes Are Due Wednesday July 15
If you are a procrastinator like me, then you and I both better hustle since are taxes are due Wednesday July 15.
Every year I say I'm going to get me taxes done in February and every year I usually get them done within the final days, sometimes hours of when our taxes have to be post marked April 15.
Like always I told my self, oh I'll start next week, next week comes and still nothing.
When the shutdown happened due to the coronavirus March 16, I was working crazy hours and the thought of doing taxes just went out the window.
My only silver lining for the pandemic was the government pushed tax day back to July 15. You talk about a big sign of relief.
I thought, now I have three months to get these taxes done. Sure, I'll knock them out in May, then June and once again here I am in the final hours scrambling to find all my receipts and get everything together.
I don't just work at GRD, I also play in a band and run the business through my personal finances so I have to long form everything.
I have spent the past week getting everything together and finally set up an appointment with my tax person.
I like to use a tax person because the laws change every year and he always keeps me up to date but I basically do all the work before he gets the totals.
My goal is always to break even or mainly, NOT HAVE TO PAY. Lol.
Good luck to you on your taxes and hopefully we both will get ours done earlier next year.
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