The day in which the Detroit Tigers open their home schedule for the season is always a big deal in Michigan. Many people take the day off of work (or take a half-day off) to either attend the game in person, or watch the game at a local establishment or at home on TV. It has become, as the title of this article suggests, an unofficial state holiday.
The Detroit Tigers rarely make it to the World Series. It's even more rare they win the World Series Championship. They did win in 1935, 1945, 1968 & 1984.
Two dropped balls and an army crawl to the home plate? It's almost as if they were doing a comedy sketch rather than playing baseball.
Source: YouTube, MLB
Today on Segment 16, the guys are tired from their long night watching game 7 of the World Series. It was a late game, and the extra inning didn't do anything to help.
Also, the Cubs winning didn't do much for their disposition, since now four of them have to get awful haircuts.
Late last night, a little after the midnight hour, Hell froze over. Reports of pigs and other assorted swine growing wings and taking flight started pouring in from all over the country. Dogs and cats were living together — it was mass hysteria, all because the Chicago Cubs had finally won the World Series after a 108-year drought.
We have a big World Series bet going on the show - if the Indians win the series, Joe has to get a George Costanza haircut. If the Cubs win, Free Beer, Hot Wings, Steve and Justin all have to get the Costanza cut. No matter who gets the haircut, they have to keep it for two weeks. Needless to say, a lot is on the line.