She's seen just standing and staring at her sister's bed, unmoving, for about a minute and she doesn't wake up until her mom comes into the room.
No one wants to wake up to that terrifying sight. It's not even that she's staring, which is creepy on it's own, it's that she doesn't even flinch - even when her sister is screaming at her and crying while begging her to stop...
Australian twins Anna and Lucy DeCinque share everything, even a boyfriend. Now they're both trying to get pregnant with him - which feels like way too much sharing for a pair of siblings.
That's somehow not even the weirdest part. One of the twins, Lucy, told Metro that if he kisses her sister, he will immediately kiss her right after...
This couple met back in 2012 and threw a $120,000 goth wedding. Now they are using their vampire expertise to help others do the same.
Source: DailyMail
Do you kiss your kids on the lips? Tom Brady may have kissed his 11 year old son a little too long for peoples comfort. You be the judge. Is this weird?