Why Are There Helicopters Flying Around West Michigan?Why Are There Helicopters Flying Around West Michigan?While conspiracy theories abound, here's the real reason helicopters are flying around West Michigan. JannaJanna
Grand Rapids Asks Residents to Help Control Spongy Moth Population This SpringGrand Rapids Asks Residents to Help Control Spongy Moth Population This SpringIf you've ever seen duct taped wrapped around trees in the springtime, here's what's going on...JannaJanna
Name Change: Good-bye “Gypsy” Moth — Hello “Spongy” MothName Change: Good-bye “Gypsy” Moth — Hello “Spongy” MothFor years they have caused destruction of our trees. These pesky caterpillars have not gone away, however we need to stop referring to them as "gypsy" months.Scott WintersScott Winters