'Coonsie' the raccoon has gone missing after her owner helped restore power to Central Oklahoma. George Simmons, an Idaho line worker, has said that he's staying in Oklahoma until she's safe and sound.
Source: KFOR
As the internet fills with more and more information, both helpful and useless, we've learned to Google everything. I mean, everything. Some people Google "how to Google something". Not kidding. But one thing people search for a lot, is disease symptoms. Everything from diabetes, coughing, to asthma.
What's the disease people in Michigan search for info on the most?
All kinds of companies spend a lot of time and money to research what we're all doing online. What we buy, what we sell, what we search for...the amount of information on each of us is terrifying. Now, a report has come out to tell us about our secret, or guilty pleasure searches.
What do people in Michigan secretly search for? And how perverted is it?
It's been a busy couple of weeks for our country since President Obama left office and President Trump took over. There have been things that people like, people hate, people don't understand, and people have made fun of.
But what are people from Michigan and other states Googling to learn more about?
I pretty much live on Netflix. I don't have cable or satellite, so all my TV gets used for is watching Netflix, Amazon Video, or HBO Now. That's it. Sometimes I start looking for movies I want to see, but the Netflix search is a bit too broad for "Horror", or "Action"...I want things narrowed down to "Satanic Movies". I actually look for that one a LOT.
I know, I'm we
Yahoo has released its top searches for 2014, and Ebola tops the list.
This year’s top searches on Yahoo included a national obsession, an international health crisis and some favorite women stars.
Yes, there are other search engines other than Google.
University of Michigan Athletic Director Dave Brandon has resigned and retired Steelcase Inc. CEO Jim Hackett is in for the interim, U-M President Mark Schlissel said in an Ann Arbor news conference this afternoon.
It's Thursday which means it is the designated day to reminisce. I'm up with the social media, I am all about the #TBT (Throwback Thursday.) This week I was going through some older stuff and found a series of photos from summer 2010! I was working here at GRD doing nights and I was also in a contest for Northern Michigan tourist magazine, NM3.