Rolling Stone

Clueless Rolling Stone Finally Gets Rush on The Cover
Clueless Rolling Stone Finally Gets Rush on The Cover
Clueless Rolling Stone Finally Gets Rush on The Cover
It only took 40-odd years of Rush being an amazing band with tons of fans for Rolling Stone to figure out that there's something to it. Or maybe they haven't, and just made a lucky mistake. Rolling Stone is a terrible magazine for music. My hatred of the mag aside, it's about time they put Rush on the cover, and just in time, since this will probably be the last tour for the Canadian band. Read Mo
Rolling Stone’s 50 Best Albums of 2014
Rolling Stone’s 50 Best Albums of 2014
Rolling Stone’s 50 Best Albums of 2014
The end of the year is a time to reflect on everything that happened in the past year: the best, the worst, the weirdest, the most controversial. Essentially, it's list time. And it's also time to have righteous arguments about lists you think totally suck or lists you think are spot on. That being said, here are Rolling Stone's choices for the top 50 albums of 2014. The magazine's No. 1 pick? U2'