GRPD says they've gotten several complaints from the community about groups of up to 100 motorcyclists "riding through the city, conducting dangerous stunts, disobeying traffic control and causing damage."
If you're not doing anything Saturday, September 17th, hop on the bike and join the Axemmen M/C Chapter 2 for the 10th Annual Charity 5 Card Run. The shindig gets kicked off at Playstation Pub at 1141 Leonard St NW, here in Grand Rapids. All Motorcycles and cagers are welcome. There will be tons of food, sweet door prizes and superior amounts of raffles. It's only $35 for a single rider and $45 fo
People love dogs and people love motorcycles. So, why not combine the two? No, not in the treacherously unsafe let-your-puppy-take-the-bike-out-for-a-ride kinda way. Check out 'Motorcycles for Mutts' event coming up this Saturday. Help out some cuddly creatures in need while simultaneously showin' off your sweet bike!
The Michigan Senate passed a proposal to allow some motorcycle riders to go without a helmet yesterday. This would allow most riders 21 or older to go helmetless if they have been licensed to operate a motorcycle for at least two years, passed a safety course & get some extra insurance coverage.