What's That Boom? Holiday Fireworks Laws in MichiganWhat's That Boom? Holiday Fireworks Laws in MichiganRinging in the new year with celebratory fireworks? Read this first.Lauren GordonLauren Gordon
One of Michigan's Most Popular State Parks Will Soon See UpgradesOne of Michigan's Most Popular State Parks Will Soon See UpgradesOne of Michigan's most popular state parks will see closures as it upgrades utilities ahead of 2025 busy season.Lauren GordonLauren Gordon
The Sad Truth: Here's When Summer Actually Ends in MichiganThe Sad Truth: Here's When Summer Actually Ends in MichiganWhen does summer actually end in Michigan? Do residents go by the calendar or by the weather?Lauren GordonLauren Gordon
Why Are Michigan Schools Required to Start After Labor Day?Why Are Michigan Schools Required to Start After Labor Day?Michigan law requires schools to start their school year after the Labor Day holiday.Lauren GordonLauren Gordon
Annual Antique Tractor Crossing Returns to Mackinac BridgeAnnual Antique Tractor Crossing Returns to Mackinac BridgeAfter a yearlong hiatus the annual antique tractor crossing returns to the Mackinac Bridge for 2024.Lauren GordonLauren Gordon
Did You Know Michigan Leads the Nation in Chestnut Production?Did You Know Michigan Leads the Nation in Chestnut Production?One of the best places for the American chestnut tree to thrive is Michigan. Here are u-pick farms to find chestnuts throughout West Michigan.Lauren GordonLauren Gordon
Did Henry Ford Really Invent the 5-Day Work Week?Did Henry Ford Really Invent the 5-Day Work Week?It could've been worse...Jacob HarrisonJacob Harrison
What Does Michigan Law Say About Labor Day Fireworks?What Does Michigan Law Say About Labor Day Fireworks?Expect to hear fireworks this Labor Day weekend. Here's what Michigan law says:Lauren GordonLauren Gordon
If MI Law Requires Schools Start AFTER Labor Day, Why Don't They?If MI Law Requires Schools Start AFTER Labor Day, Why Don't They?Although Michigan law requires schools to start after Labor Day, the majority of school districts apply for a waiver to start the school year earlier.Lauren GordonLauren Gordon
Your Guide to Walking the Mackinac Bridge on Labor DayYour Guide to Walking the Mackinac Bridge on Labor DayThere is only one day a year that pedestrians area allowed on the Mackinac Bridge and that day is coming up.Scott WintersScott Winters
Mackinac Bridge to be Closed Labor Day MorningMackinac Bridge to be Closed Labor Day MorningIf you plan on heading north on Labor Day weekend, be advised the the Mackinac Bridge will be closed to vehicle traffic from 6:30 am until 12:00 Noon on Labor Day.Scott WintersScott Winters
Labor Day Shopping? Here’s What to Buy & Not Buy According to the ExpertsLabor Day Shopping? Here’s What to Buy & Not Buy According to the ExpertsWhere there's a holiday, there's a sale.ChristineChristine