His jeep was in the shop for three weeks and in that time it received two parking tickets, toll fees, and the owner discovered a lacy thong in his backseat...whaa?
Source: NBC8
Now, the dealership is suing Mr. Pervy Bastard Haskins for $38,000. The total damages to the vehicles and property from his jaunt only came to $12,129.55...so why $38k?
I've never heard of "cranking" before this, and now I fear it's like "The Ring". I can only escape the clutches of this disturbing new knowledge by sharing with unsuspecting innocents. I apologize in advance for inflicting this upon you.
Chevelle has released a new song! GRD debuted “Joyride/ (Omen)” on the Liquid Lunch today, wanting to know what GRD listeners think.
Check out their reactions, then listen to “Joyride/ (Omen)” and let us know your thoughts!
A 10-year-old in Tyler, Texas, frustrated with having to wait for his grandparents at the doctor's office, decided to grab the keys and take the family truck for a bit of a joyride recently.