Winter festivals continue this weekend in several communities. There is also the Auto Show, Disney on Ice, a BBQ festival, and chances to go back to the 80s!
The Gun Lake Casino has announced that its new venues & restaurants will be officially opening on September 17th. The Grand Opening will also include two free concerts from the band Wayland.
The shuttle service, which was temporarily discontinued during the pandemic, is currently taking reservations online and will resume on Monday, August 2nd.
As businesses in West Michigan are implementing hiring bonuses, referral rewards, and other incentives to find new employees; the Gun Lake Casino will be giving away a new car to a lucky staff member.
Today it was announced as part of the casino's 'Play It Safe' initiative that the fully vaccinated will be able to visit the casino without face coverings. The casino is still asking those who have not been fully vaccinated to mask up.
As a child, there were so many cool places to visit in the West Michigan area. We had Deer Park Funland in Muskegon (now Michigan's Adventure), Deer Forest in Coloma (now closed), and a place in Bradley called Plank Road Farm.