
You Won’t Believe How Much Money, Per Game, NFL Teams Are Losing Without Fans
You Won’t Believe How Much Money, Per Game, NFL Teams Are Losing Without Fans
You Won’t Believe How Much Money, Per Game, NFL Teams Are Losing Without Fans
The Dallas Cowboys ALONE are going to lose around $77 million for every game they play without any fans in the stadium. That equals $616 million for the entire eight-game season. The good news for the NFL, according to BroBible, is that several teams will begin allowing fans in the stands in the coming weeks...
Couple Gets Engaged Onstage at Wayland Grand Rapids’ Concert [Video]
Couple Gets Engaged Onstage at Wayland Grand Rapids’ Concert [Video]
Couple Gets Engaged Onstage at Wayland Grand Rapids’ Concert [Video]
Two Wayland Warriors are getting hitched! Robert Christensen popped the question to his girlfriend LaTarra Gryzen onstage at the Wayland concert at The Intersection in Grand Rapids Friday night! The band paused in the middle their show to order up some shots to toast to being back home in West Michigan and cheers with all their Grand Rapids fans! The people delivering the shots? Robert and LaTarra

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