Baseball is a super long game to watch and even some fans get bored. Ever wonder what players do during a rain delay? This may shock you... Also, it's nasty.
Going to the doctor once a year is pretty important. You need to make sure you're in peak physical condition! Unfortunately, though, when it comes to people's teeth, they sometimes fall a bit behind in keeping up with personal hygiene.
Would you get surgery in a barn? What if it was super cheap and done by a certified doctor? Turns out a lot of people have been getting weird surgeries out of this barn. SO scary!
There's a new trend on the internet of taking Smash Mouth's hit song "All Star" and editing it in various ways. There's one where every word of “All Star” is changed to “somebody" and another in which every other word is "bee" from Bee Movie and the instrumental is the Seinfeld theme song. Of course, these are hilariously annoying and this one is no different!