The Keto diet is still widely popular but this is the first we have heard of someone getting fired for it. We will spare the big brain sciencey stuff, but we wish this guy the best, both in his diet and employment status.
Source: FOX13
Every year, millions of people make the New Year resolution to lose weight...I think we've all been there. But they usually don't last very long into the year, and you end up doing the same thing the next year.
Here are some interesting food lies that might be holding you back from losing weight...I know they're holding me back!
Sex, Drugs, and Rock n' Roll right? Well if you a have a major problem of severe acid reflux, you may have to miss out on some of those things. Being on the road may be glamorous, but I am sure it is not the 'healthiest' of activities either. In order to keep those metal vocals running, Disturbed's David Draiman actually has quite the schedule when it comes to his eating habits.