“I personally think I should be done with that show because they make fun of me on it.” Last time we checked, everyone gets picked on in SNL.
Source: TVLINE
Let’s start off with the actual definition of bullying from stopbullying.gov:
Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time...
Today on Segment 16, the guys start off talking about sports (since the Olympics are on TV), and Free Beer tells an embarrassing track and field story from his childhood. Poor lil mite, he must have been. Then, they guys check out a story about Michigan's first place appearance on another list.
Michigan has a lot to be proud of, but this is not one of those things.
A new study has found that Michigan is the state with the biggest bullying problem in the U.S.
Today on Segment 16, the guys talk about a news story on WZZM concerning the out of control bullying at Grandville High, and other schools. Grandville seems to be worse than some, but overall, bullying is a big problem.
If you saw a young person being bullied what would you do? Would you step up and say something or would you ignore it?
Who will stop the bullying?
This is the question a new anti-bullying video shot in Grand Rapids asks.
The way several strangers reacted to the social experiment makes me proud to be a Grand Rapidian!
An 11-year-old Hartford boy recently did something very brave: he confronted online bullies by reading their hurtful comments out loud and posting the video to YouTube.
Logan's bold message "to encourage other people to not bully people online and to encourage other people that have been bullied to not let words hurt them” is getting a lot of attention, including that of the White House.
A father and son from Hartford, Mich., have been posting funny prank videos to YouTube for the past year.
When 11-year-old Logan Fairbanks noticed cruel comments directed at him online, he asked his dad, Josh, to film him doing something extremely brave: confronting internet bullies.