Valentine's day can be tough if you're single and trying to get over your ex. Well, Center Wildlife Care is helping single people exercise their right to be petty toward their ex! Ok, ok, so you don't really feed your ex to a bat but as the old saying goes "it's the thought that counts...
In Marietta, Ohio, a woman was arrested for beating her husband up, and knocking him out with a mini baseball bat, all because he didn't get her a Valentine's gift. She'd probably told him "she didn't want anything" and he "didn't need to do anything special" for Valentine's Day. Does anyone still believe that lie?
This guy was just rocking out with his friends in the forest. That's all.
He was jamming on the guitar, enjoying his day, when, out of nowhere, the fun ended. All of a sudden, a bat swooped in, landed on his chest and bit him right on the neck.
What can I say about Bat Dad? Well he is awesome! Check out this video of a dad teaching valuable life lessons to his wife in children using his alter ego, Bat Dad!