Steelhead Fishing Is On Fire in the Grand, Kalamazoo and Muskegon Rivers
If you like to fish or you have never caught a steelhead, now is the time to get your line in the water in the Grand, Kalamazoo, and Muskegon Rivers.

What is a Steelhead?
Steelheads are larger and less colorful than rainbow trout. Their bodies are silvery and have rounder heads. They have black dots and a red or pink stripe going down each side of the fish. The silver color and round head are how they get their steelhead name.
These fish hit hard, and don't mind getting some air and they fight like a beast. You don't crank in a steelhead like you would a smaller fish, plan on the fight lasting for a while and taking up some serious space on the river.
Fishermen yell "Fish On" when they get a steelhead on to let nearby anglers know to bring in their lines so they don't get tangled up. Plus, someone will usually reach for a net to help you land your fish.
Steelhead Fishing Grand River in Grand Rapids
The Grand River in downtown Grand Rapids is one of Michigan's hottest spots for steelhead fishing. You can fish by boat and in many places off the shore all throughout downtown Grand Rapids.
You have easy access to the Grand River at the Sixth Street Bridge and at the Fish Ladder Park. The fish average around six to seven pounds but there are also fish all the way up to twelve pounds.
Steelhead Fishing Kalamazoo River
There are lots of great places along the Kalamazoo River to catch great steelhead. There are also lots of different ways to catch these fish. Fishing in a boat is nice but not everyone owns a boat. There are still plenty of places to get on the river and fish from shore.
If you fish from a boat, below is a great effective way to land some steelhead using plugs.
Fishing Steelhead on Muskegon River
One of my favorite places to steelhead fish is the Muskegon River. One it's close to my house and two there is a lot of steelhead in this river.
You can catch steelhead all year long but from November until mid to late April is some of the best fishing for the species.
Bobber fishing has become a very popular way to catch these river beasts.
Here is a video with a few tips on bobber fishing steelhead.
Good luck if you get out for steelhead, these are fish that can seriously create some great memories and some great meals for the family.
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