South Haven May Cancel Fireworks Celebration
High water levels on Lake Michigan may lead to the cancellation of of South Haven Michigan's fireworks display.
According to The Herald-Palladium, Tuesday July 2 is when city officials in South Haven will decide if the "Light up the Lake" fireworks celebration will go on or be cancelled.
For safety reasons, the fireworks need to be shot off at least 1,000 feet from boats, people and buildings and with the high water this may make shooting fireworks impossible from the North Pier.
The water is normally 1 to 2 feet below the pier but this year it's much closer and if there is a northwest wind in South Haven next week, the waves will crash over the pier making it impossible to light the fireworks.
Normally, South Haven is the host of over 10,000 people to view their fireworks display.
South Haven have $30,000 raised to pay for their fireworks display but are considering shooting off a smaller display on Labor Day or the Blueberry Festival to save money if they have to cancel the fourth celebration and use the excess funds for next years fireworks.
If South Haven does cancel their fireworks show, St. Joseph will have a show on the water because their pier is higher up for an alternative place to celebrate the fourth.
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