Rob Bliss Protests at FCC by Slowing Traffic, Will Move for a Fee
Rob Bliss has made it very clear where he stands on the issue of net neutrality. Bliss blocked lanes of traffic at the FCC, then slowly rode his bike through the only open lane while offering to move for a $5-per-month "priority access fee."
Grand Rapids native and Forest Hills Central alum Rob Bliss is famous for his viral videos and events. There was the Grand Rapids Lip Dub video recorded to Don McLean's "American Pie," zombie walks, pillow fights and more.
Now, Bliss said he wants to "restore automotive freedom at the FCC" quoting FCC Chairman Ajit Pai as he says "consumers can pick the plan that's best for them."
The stunt went as you might expect. There's honking, there's swearing and one pedestrian almost gets hit by a car as he runs across the street to get to Bliss to push his bike out of the way.
It didn't take long for the police to show up. There was some amusement at first, but that turned to frustration and threats of arrest. On the third day, Bliss was shut down, but there doesn't seem to be any hard feelings. On his YouTube page Bliss says, "Special thanks to the Department of Homeland Security for having a tremendous amount of patience while I acted like a complete idiot."
The message of the protest comes across loud and clear, although it did it at the expense of the safety of many innocent drivers and pedestrians.
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