Revenge Porn Back Fires on Grand Rapids Man
Be careful if you have an ex that you want to get even with using revenge porn. Revenge porn just landed an ex a year in jail and a $5000 fine. Ouch.
According to WZZM, a Grand Rapids, Michigan, man learned the hard way that posting nude photos of an ex will cost you, time and money.
25-year-old Brett J. Vanderwall was sentenced to a year in jail and given a $5000 fine from Judge Curt Benson.
Vanderwall posted nude photos of his former girlfriend after they broke up and photos were taken without her consent.
When the pictures surfaced, Grand Rapids police were able to get the images removed.
Vanderwall did apologize while in the Kent County Court Thursday, September 26. Vanderwall said, "I'm really ashamed of the route I took when we split up, there were factors that came into play, but none of it should have mattered."
Judge Benson was not moved by Vanderwall's apology or his defense attorney asking for leniency. Judge Benson said, "There's a big part of me that wants to send you to prison."
Vanderwall will spend the next year in Kent County jail, then five years probation and had to pay a $5000 fine. If he screws up, prison is not off the table.
Benson said, "Revenge porn is a problem in society, and to the extent that I can send a message from this court that it won't be tolerated, I will be happy to send that message."
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