Putting My Land to Work for Me
I bought a little farm a year ago and yesterday a farmer I met last fall planted corn on the property.
I personally like to deer hunt, turkey hunt and fish so moving up to Newaygo County really made sense to me even though it would create quite a drive to work.
What I thought on paper looked like a great place to deer hunt turned out to be the worst season I ever had in the woods.
I wasn't able to get a farmer last year to plant my land due to me asking late on top of the unusually rainy season farmers had to deal with so there was no crop for the deer and the land had a lot less traffic.
The taxes on the property turned out to be way higher than estimated so I needed another income to help handle the cost while at the same time trying to increase my opportunities and attracting to deer to my property.
I noticed this morning that the farmer got his tractor stuck and had to send a team of tractors out to get it out this morning. There is a low wet area on the field which will probably make the total yield a little less but I sure hope it doesn't deter the farmer moving forward.
My plan is to have a great field of corn to help pay my taxes along with attracting more deer to the property. I will have trail cameras all around to see if it works. If this pans out, I hope to have corn, soy beans and alfalfa for years to come.
If this corn crop does not do the trick this year, I will be also looking in to switching to growing hemp next year. You get a lot more money per acre growing hemp but there is some expense to making the change. Not to mention the unknown of how the pandemic will effect hemp sales in the open market.
So I have officially put my land to work for me and area wildlife, hopefully it pans out.