10 Easy Ways to Instantly Anger a Michigander
When moving to Michigan, there are a few things you should keep in mind while interacting with those that have lived in the state for a long time.
I, as someone who moved from Florida a few years ago, learned a few of these lessons very quickly. So, I'm hoping to pass my learned experience on to you. Either that or I'm going to further anger my fellow Michiganders. Let's see.
Here are 10 easy ways to piss off a Michigander:
10 Easy Ways to Piss Off a Michigander
Moving to Michigan? Whatever you do, DON'T do these things
Honestly, when it comes to sports, talking bad about any of the Michigan teams will earn you some angry looks. You've been warned.
If you have just moved to the mitten state and are looking for love, here are some tips for crafting the perfect "Pure Michigan" dating profile. Hopefully, you'll blend right in:
How to Craft the Perfect Pure Michigan Dating Profile
Forget the bathroom selfies! You're bound to find true love in the Mitten if you include these Pure Michigan prompts.
13 Town Names That Don't Sound Like They Belong In Michigan
Check out these small Michigan towns whose namesake's are located across the globe.