#PeopleofMeijer Points Out The Wild & Crazy Shoppers At The Michigan Chain
The first thing I want to get out of the way is to confirm that I'm never one for bullying or online bullying by any means. Don't get me wrong, I like to wear the occasional questionable clothes item, and I personally would be stoked if any publication pointed out my interesting personality on their publication. That being said, when you step outside your home you have to accept that if you're oddly dressed or are repping a style that's completely out of this time period, you're gonna turn some heads.
Over the years we've seen the hashtag, #PeopleOfWalmart which points out all of the unique individuals who have decided to go out in public wearing ridiculous outfits or crazy styles. It's also about people who do really dumb stuff while in the store. A few years ago #PeopleOfMeijer came onto the scene and personally, I thought it was just a funny fad people were trying to create to ride the Walmart coattails. It turns out I was wrong, as it seems a lot of these clique Walmart-type shoppers have been spotted shopping in the Michigan-based chain Meijer.

So, I will say if you DO see someone who makes you look twice, try to be a LITTLE respectful and if you're gonna snag a photo of them at least do it discretely and try not to get their face in the picture. That being said, some of these Instagram photos are too funny. I present to you...#PeopleOfMeijer. Enjoy the wild world out there.
Sasquatch In The Scooter
It's A Fair Trade
No...Take Your Damn Time
She Wore Here Finer Hoodie
Horsing Around
I Don't Know If That's A Turtle or Godzilla, But I Like It
The Horses Were Parked Out Front
20...200. Same Thing Apparently
No Coal For The Fire