Peeping On AaronSummers23 On TikTok
Just a random afternoon and I'm scrolling through TikTok. What? Don't judge me...On my page came across AaronSummers23.
AaronSummers23 has posted quite a few TikToks and the majority of them are about Grand Rapids.
After a deeper dive, I learned that Aaron is a recent nursing school grad. He is now a full time nurse at Spectrum Health. He commented this on his Instagram account:
"Today I finished the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life - nursing school. I recently accepted a full time RN position at Spectrum Health and cannot wait to give back to the Grand Rapids community.
From this day forward, I pledge to take care of those having the worst day of their lives. Car wrecks, gunshot wounds, burns, COVID, cancer...rich, poor, pastors and prostitutes - it doesn’t matter who you are or what happened to you - I pledge to take care of you.
Sleepless nights, 5am clinicals, and many tears, all poured into those two letters after my name:
Aaron Summers, RN "
Here Aaron gives us a tour of Frederik Meijer Gardens...
Aaron says he's a
- Registered Nurse
- Dog lover
- Swimmer
- French fry enthusiast
On his Instagram account he has nearly 4,000 followers and on his TikTok account has over 15,000 followers. No, this is not a dating post...I was just excited for a GR resident to come across my FYP. When I found out he was a nurse and has a goal of helping those in our community, I decided to give him some props! Hey, Aaron keep up the good work and thanks for becoming an essential! Now walk like a penguin...