Over 600K Hard Of Hearing in Michigan
Huh? What? You say something? Can you repeat that? I can't hear you. That is what over 600K of Michigan residents are saying that have trouble with their hearing.
According to WOOD, the state of Michigan gathered data on residents regarding those that are blind, deaf and hard of hearing. The data collected estimated that just over 7% of residents fall into one of those categories.
According to the Not Without Us survey that was taken by Michigan residents show that 633,000 people are hard of hearing. Close to 46,000 people are deaf and over 10,000 are deaf and blind.
The Civil Rights department from the state of Michigan wanted to collect the data in order to improve those found to have the issues of being deaf, blind or hard of hearing and give them more access to government, health care and more.
The Civil Rights department for the Deaf, Deafblind and Hard of Hearing Annie Urasky says underestimating the population can "lead to under resourcing and under representation throughout Michigan's public and cultural life."