‘Nintendo Power’ Magazine To Cease Publication After 25 Years
Back in the late 80's and early 90's, the internet was basically not around. Print media was all the rage! If you wanted to find out the latest news on pretty much anything, you would either have to watch TV, read the newspaper, or buy a magazine. If you wanted gaming news, you HAD to grab the next issue of Electronic Gaming Monthly, GamePro, or Nintendo Power. Sadly, a large chapter of my childhood has come to a close....Nintendo Power is dead....
Nintendo officially released this statement:
"Nintendo can confirm that Future US will end the production of Nintendo Power magazine with the last issue slated for December 2012. For Nintendo Power subscription inquiries, please visit nintendopower.com/customerservice. Check out Nintendo at nintendo.com, on Facebook at facebook.com/nintendo or on Twitter @nintendoamerica."
This does come to no surprise because of the 'Rise of Digital Media,' but seeing this news really did bring back some nostalgic memories. I started getting 'THE POWER' during my youth while the Nintendo 64 was out. Included in the box was a brochure that said, "SIGN UP FOR THE POWER!" Well...I NEED THE POWER! So after begging my father to sign me up for Nintendo Power, I got my subscription (and FREE Super Mario 64 Player's Guide), and every month I awaited the next issue of that great magazine. (Receiving mail as a kid was a big deal, now receiving mail as an adult sucks, cause' it's usually bills...)
The thing is with digital media vs. print media, is that you can't dig through old boxes and find old magazines via digital media. I know I have a box full of old Nintendo Power's somewhere, and when I find them, I will sit there and read them for hours! Bring back memories of how freakin' excited I was to look at pictures of the latest Zelda game!
RIP Nintendo Power
James Rolfe (Angry Video Game Nerd) has the BEST view of the classic Nintendo Power!