My Son’s First Deer Hunt With Me In The Treestand
Yes Halloween was this weekend, but for my son and I, getting up in a treestand and hunting together for the first time was pretty special also.
My son is 8-years-old and he has hunted with me a few times in a ground blind over the last couple years. I thought hunting on the ground was a much better way to get him used to going out a few times a year to see if he even likes it.
Three years ago I purchased a treestand for my son and I to hunt together someday. My neighbor and I put it up but because the stand was so high up I just didn't feel my son was ready to hunt at 22ft high yet. Plus I didn't like how the ladder was so straight up and felt it needed to be in another location for a safer better hunting experience.
Back in the summer my neighbor and I moved that double seat stand to a new location with a better incline on the ladder and in a spot where we can see more deer with a short walk to and from the house.
On Saturday, the weather was perfect. I have seen several bucks tailing does so I knew it was time to be out as much as possible between now and gun season for deer.
My son really wanted to go hunting, and for a hunter to have their son really wanting to go, it was a pretty good feeling for dear ol' dad I tell ya.
We got up in the stand and he did great. That stand is really roomy for the both of us and an easy climb even though its pretty high up.
My son is always my luck charm. I see more deer with him than when I hunt by myself and so Saturday was no exception. We didn't count the number of deer but I know it was well over a dozen. He really liked seeing all the different deer.
At one point we had a couple really big deer coming in to the stand that had a brand new scrape in front of it that had been made in the last week. This was the first time I actually had to get ready to shoot while hunting with my son. My son's eyes really lit up.
It was getting close to dark and one of the big deer unfortunately got a whiff of the two of us and snorted really loud. My son had never heard a big one snort before. He really thought it was cool. The good news was the deer didn't run off, they new something was up so they moved slowly back across the bean field so we didn't spook them too bad...we hope.
He was so excited about the hunt, he wanted to get up early and go the next morning, but knowing Sunday night was Halloween and he had some trick or treating to do, I though it was best for the little guy to get a good night sleep.
It was a fantastic hunt and my son looks forward to the next time we get up in the stand. I think he finally caught that deer fever his dad has had for many years now. I look so forward to sharing these special times together up in the stand for many years to come.