Motorized Boats, Jet Skis Not Allowed During Stay at Home Order
The use of motorized boats or jet skis are not allowed under Michigan's Stay at Home Order which is in effect through April 30th.
Wood TV 8 reports that the order was recently updated to clarify what outdoor activities are allowed on the Frequently Asked Questions page.
Physical outdoor activity like kayaking, canoeing, and sailing is permitted under the order, but using a motorboat, a jet ski, or other similar watercraft is not."
Anyone who does engage in boating activity that is permitted must abide by social distancing standards, should use their own equipment, and only boat with members of the same household.
According to a press release, the DNR reports that there has been heavy use of boat launches across the state:
“The subsequent congregation of people at these launches in violation of social distancing requirements, and in a manner that threatens public health. In addition, people who use motorized watercraft typically need to procure secondary services for their craft, such as parts and gasoline, that could unnecessarily increase contact with others and spread disease. The hope is that the prohibition on the use of motorized watercraft will reduce the movement of, and contact among, people with the intent of slowing the spread of the coronavirus,”