Michigan Senate Republicans Accidently Help Democrats Stop Controversial Vote
Have you ever done the exact opposite of what you intended on doing by mistake? If you answered yes, then you totally understand where some Michigan State Senators are coming from.
Wednesday afternoon, Michigan Senate Republicans accidently voted to end the session early after Democrats called for the motion. Senate Republicans were in the process of bringing a controversial bill that would make changes to voting laws in Michigan to the floor when Democrats called for a vote to end session for the day.
It quickly became apparent that a few Republican Senators didn't realize what they were voting for when the motion passed with 18 aye votes, 17 no votes and one excused. The results of the vote ended the session for the day and meant that the Republican backed voting legislation would not be voted on.
Republican Senate Majority Leader, Mike Shirkey issued a statement later that day that said "The Democrats pulled some hijinks and I allowed us to be momentarily taken in. But it will not happen again and we will prevail in the end."
The bill, along with a few other similar bills, should make it to the floor to be voted on today and is likely to be passed by the Republican majority. It is expected, however, that the bill will be vetoed by Governor Whitmer as she has vetoed similar legislation in the past.
Prior to the adjournment of the Senate, Senators did approve a bill that would put some restrictions on voting. It is also expected that this bill will be vetoed by the Governor.
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