Michigan Is Now Home To The USA Mullet Champion
Since the beginning of time men and women have used their hair as a way to express themselves and gain the interest of the opposite sex.

Alexa Lindsey of Holland, Michigan has gained national attention for her award-winning mullet and the distinct honor of being the 2022 USA Female Mullet Champion.
What Is A Mullet?
I'm guessing about 99.9% of the world knows what a mullet is but if you don't, the mullet is a hairstyle in which the hair is cut shorter at the front and sides, but is longer at the back. Billy Ray Cyrus made the haircut popular back in the early 1990s.
Nicknames For A Mullet
Urban Dictionary offers up a lot of funny nicknames including:
-Hockey hair
-Kentucky waterfall
-Missouri compromise
-Squirrel pelt
Tennessee tophat
After Alexa Lindsey of Holland, Michigan got the official news that she'd won the 2022 USA Femullet Championship I chatted with her to find out her story.
Why Did Alexa Lindsey Decide To Grow A Mullet?
I started growing my mullet during the pandemic, when the hair salons were closed my clean-cut fade was growing out and I took the opportunity to try something I have always wanted to try, the mullet! It’s been about a 2-year process to get it to where I’m at today.
The start of shaping the mullet when salons opened back up in June 2020
By November 2020 Alexa Lindsey finally had a little party going on in the back!
Do You Have A Routine For Your Mullet?
I get my mullet ready first thing out of the shower, with the permed curls I use a hair pick and brush it through. I will put some gel in to hold the curls for the day and give it a good shake, then I’m good!
What Product/Products Do You Put In Your Mullet?
I just started using ‘Con Man’ by GIBS! It smells great and helps with the frizz.
How Did You Get Involved WIth The USA Mullet Championships?
I heard about the USA Mullet Championships through a friend who tagged me in a post from last year's Femullet competition, once I heard about it I knew that was my new goal. I wanted to enter the competition to give back the appreciation I have for my mullet. It has really brought me so much confidence.
These are the photos Alexa Lindsey submitted to the USA mullet competition.
These photos are what got her past the internal judges round and onto the public voting last week.
What Would You Tell A Woman considering A Mullet?
I would tell any woman who has thought about getting a mullet but hasn’t yet…. DO IT! You won’t regret it, even if you rock it for a little bit.. just see how you feel. I’ll always advocate for women doing what makes them feel beautiful!
What Did Alexa Lindsey Get For Winning The 2022 Femullet Contest?
Besides the honor of having the best female mullet in America, she also won $500 plus pit vipers
Anything Else You Wanted To Share With People Reading This?
I would not have placed this well in the competition if it wasn’t for the support for West Michigan and all my family and friends. I can’t thank everyone enough. I am nervous to move on to the Mane Event in the fall but I know this community will show up like they have already!
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