Man Stabbed to Death in Croton Township
An elderly man was stabbed to death Sunday evening in Croton Township and another man has now been taken into custody.
According to WOOD, authorities arrested a man near Newaygo for allegedly killing another man with a knife.
Dispatch got the call Sunday night in the 11 p.m. hour that a man was being assaulted in his home on E. Maple Street off S. Croton Hardy Drive in Croton Township. Newaygo County Sheriffs were sent to the scene to investigate.
Sheriff deputies found a 64-year-old man dead on the scene from multiple stab wounds.
Police located the 33-year-old man who is suspected of stabbing the victim to death. He is now in jail and will be in court on Monday to face charges.
There has been no other information regarding the stabbing from the sheriff's office.
The case is still being investigated.
I personally live near the area this all took place and was fishing hours earlier just below the Croton dam with my little son. This is the kind of incident you usually don't hear about in that part of the state.