Lowes Hiring 30,000 in Response to Coronavirus Pandemic
While many companies are forced to lay off employees during the coronavirus pandemic, other companies are adding to their workforce.
USA Today reports that Lowes is looking to hire approximately 30,000 employees nationwide.
The positions available at the home improvement chain are full-time, part-time, seasonal, and overnight. Lowes is also hiring at their distribution centers and other supply chain facilities.
Anyone interested in applying can visit jobs.lowes.com or text “JOBS” to LOWES (56937) to learn more about available opportunities and apply.
In addition, the company said in a statement it is giving their 300,000 employees bonuses ranging from $150 for part-time workers to $300 for full-time workers, amounting to $80 million in total.
Lowes has temporarily reduced hours in response to the coronavirus pandemic: stores are now closing at 8:30 p.m. Monday through Saturday and at 7 p.m. on Sunday.
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